Arithmetic of Computers

Arithmetic of Computers

from Tenscope Limited

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Appendix - Some Useful Tables

1. Octal Multiplication Table
x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10
2 2 4 6 10 12 14 16 20
3 3 6 11 14 17 22 25 30
4 4 10 14 20 24 30 34 40
5 5 12 17 24 31 36 43 50
6 6 14 22 30 36 44 52 60
7 7 16 25 36 43 52 61 70
10 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 100

2. Powers of 2
n 2n     n 2n
1 2     16 65 536
2 4     17 131 072
3 8     18 262 144
4 16     19 524 288
5 32     20 1 048 576
6 64     21 2 097 152
7 128     22 4 194 304
8 256     23 8 388608
9 512     24 16 777 216
10 1 024     25 33 554 432
11 2 048     26 67 108 864
12 4 096     27 134 217 728
13 8 192     28 268 435 456
14 16 384     29 536 870 912
15 32 768     30 1 073 741 824

3. Recurring Fractions in Binary
(1)/(3)  = 0. (1)/(5)  = 0.01 (1)/(7)  = 0.0 (1)/(9)  = 0.0011 (1)/(11)  = 0.00101110 (1)/(13)  = 0.0010011101 (1)/(15)  = 0.00 (1)/(17)  = 0.000111 (1)/(19)  = 0.0001101011110010 (1)/(21)  = 0.0001 (1)/(25)  = 0.000101000111101011