Arithmetic of Computers

Arithmetic of Computers

from Tenscope Limited

Lesson 1

The Powers of Numbers

A little exponent goes a long way!

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Your answer :
b1 = b.
You are correct. The 1st power of a number is defined as simply equal to the number itself:
31  = 3 101  = 10
and in general b1 = b.
This definition works both ways, of course. If we define b1 = b, then we also mean that any number may be regarded as its own 1st power; that is, b = b1. If we want to consider any number as a power of itself, we can consider it as the 1st power of itself:
3  = 31 10  = 101
and so forth.
Well, practice makes perfect. One of the groups of statements below contains a mistake. Which group is it?
Answer :
24  = 16  the 1st power of 12  = 12 b2  = b × b 53  = 125  This group contains a mistake.

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the 2nd power of 1  = 1  3 raised to the 2nd power  = 9 23  = 8 52  = 25  This group contains a mistake.

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the 3rd power of 3  = 27 91  = 9 62  = 36  the 3rd power of 4  = 34  This group contains a mistake.

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