Arithmetic of Computers

Arithmetic of Computers

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Lesson 7

Decimals to Octals

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Page 237

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Your answer :
39110 = 6078.
You are correct. You will sometimes see this process written slightly differently, with successive quotients written beneath their predecessors rather than above, thus,
8)391 8)48 ,  r = 7 8)6 ,  r = 0 0 ,  r = 6
It makes no difference which form you use, of course. Since the remainders are read from the top down in the first, rather than from the bottom up as in this second form, the first form seems less likely to induce error in recording the result.
Well, practice makes perfect. Which of the following sets of conversions contains an error?
Answer :
5810 =  728 82510 =  1, 4718 35410 =  5428  This set contains a mistake.

Go to Page 222

47310 =  6318 17110 =  2538 98910 =  1, 7358  This set contains a mistake.

Go to Page 226

89710 =  1, 6018 53910 =  1, 0338 24610 =  3668  This set contains a mistake.

Go to Page 230


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