Arithmetic of Computers

Arithmetic of Computers

from Tenscope Limited

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Lesson 7

Decimals to Octals

. . . and back again

Page 246

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Your answer :
.110 = .06196458.
You’re multiplying both the integral and the fractional part of each product by 8 each time, instead of multiplying only the part to the right of the octal point.
What you did: What you should have done:  − 1  − 1 8 8 0.8 0.8  × 8  × 8 6.4 6.4  × 8  × 8 (8 × .4,  not 8 × 6.4) 51.2 3.2  × 8  × 8 (8 × .2,  not 8 × 3.2) 409.6  ,  etc. 1.6  ,  etc.
Besides that, the 9 you got as your third digit should have tipped you off that something was wrong. We don’t have any 9’s in the octal system, do we?
Now return to Page 233 and try again.

Return to Page 233


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