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Now try converting 39110 to octal by this method. Divide 39110 by 8; note the first remainder, which is your units digit or coefficient of (80) in your octal number; divide the first quotient by 8; note the second remainder, which is the coefficient of (81) in your octal number, and so on.
In practice, conversion from decimal to octal is hardly ever done by hand, using pencil and paper, but on a machine, either an electronic computer itself or a desk calculator. In either case it is usually more convenient to multiply rather than to divide. If, for example, we are using a desk calculator. the method of repeated division by 8, described in the text, is replaced by one of successive multiplication by 0.125. The method is best exhibited by an example. Thus, to convert 24410 to octal, we work as follows:
244 × 0.125 =
.500 × 8 = 4;
30 × 0.125 =
.750 × 8 = 6;
3 is less than 8.