Arithmetic of Computers

Arithmetic of Computers

from Tenscope Limited

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Lesson 1

The Powers of Numbers

A little exponent goes a long way!

Page 28

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Your answer :
bn = 34 = 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 = 81.
You are correct. From now on we shall use the letter “b” to stand for the base of an expression, and “n” to stand for the exponent.
The reason for using such general symbols as b and n is that there are some statements we can make about powers of numbers that are true no matter what number is being used as the base. So far we have had to use specific numbers for examples. We can now sum up what we have said about powers of numbers, using the b and n symbols:
b2  = b × b = b used as a factor twice; b3  = b × b × b = b used as a factor three times; b4  = b × b × b × b = b used as a factor four times.
In the expression bn, how many times is b used as a factor?
Answer :
b times.

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n times.

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I don’t understand the question.

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